Thursday 5 April 2012

Chapter 1- Inside Confession

it was a hot summer day as I lay down in the grass by the lake. I saw a shadow gliding over my view. 
"you should sunbathe naked you know" A familiar voice told me. 
"not funny Shika" I told him. 
He giggled and sat down. "I can tell my cousin what ever I want" he told me laying down next to me. 
"I know" I lifted my head onto his belly. He didn't care everything was troublesome anyway, I closed my eyes again. I heard more voices, Naruto's screaming, hear Kiba yelling at Naruto and Lee screaming something about youth. 
"You're so disgusting... you look like you would do incest" Neji looked down at me and Shikamaru.
I looked up at him covering my eye,. "Neji the only one here thinking about incest is you, I you don't find a girl you'll have to marry Hinata so fuck off!" I stuck my finger up to him.
Neji began to walk off. I stared at him.
"what?"' he asked me angrily. 
"you look like a girl from here" I told him. Making Shikamaru cough with laughing.
"Fuck off" He told me. Neji slowly pulled of his shirt. Leaving him in his boxers.
He put the shirt onto the ground and smiled. throwing off his shoes. and began walking into the lake. I looked at him with a gaze. He was so... so ... so handsome. I would give him that. I sighed.
Shikamaru looked at me startled. "ew you don't like the creep right?" He asked me
I leaned off shikamaru too look at him, "NOO he's disgusting he always pisses me off, no need for you to worry" I flopped my head back down.
Naruto came running over, "While he's distracted are you coming to Neji's party?" He began to whisper.
"Huh? What for?" I squinted.
"neji's birthday" He said.
 "when was his birthday?" I frowned. 
"today!" Naruto face twisted in confusion.
I looked at Neji swimming there. Like he never swim. I liked it. His muscles were there, not to obviously but they were framing his body nicely.
"I guess I could come" I told him. I pushed myself up from the grass.
