Sunday 1 April 2012

Chapter 6- Save Me

Several days went by with everyone not seeing Shizuka.
Deidara began to worry. He searched and searched for Itachi but no luck.
"Where's Itachi?" He asked some of the Akatsuki.
No one knew where he went. Kisame walked in.
"Do you know where Itachi went?" Deidara asked in a hurry.
"Yeah, he just went towards the forest" Kisame stood proudly holding his sword.
Deidara left no time and ran to find Itachi, He created a bird for him to fly on until he found Itachi. He raced down and landed infront of him.
"What do you want?!" Itachi was on edge.
"Hello to you to..." Deidara couldn't help but be sarcastic.
"If you're here to waste my time don't even bother" He begab to walk away.
"It's about Shizuka" Deidara made Itachi stop in his tracks, "I think she's in danger" Deidara tried to  keep calm.
"What makes you say that?" Itachi turned to face him.
"Did you and Shizuka... Do anything on your mission?" Deidara blushed a little.
"Yeah..." Itachi answered without a flicker of embarrassment.
"We need to find Pain" He hopped on his bird, "Get on" He held out his hand.
"You're serious about this aren't you..." Itachi wasn't sure on trusting Deidara.
"Trust me, we need to find her..." He encouraged Itachi.
moments later Itachi took his hand and sat on his bird, "Will you tell me what's going on?"
"You'll see when we get there"Deidara's anger started to take over.
They got to Pain's office.
Deidara knocked on the door/
"Enter" Pain's voice seeped through the door.
They both entered
Pain looked up, "What a rare sight to see you two together..."
Deidara's dace twited with anger "Cut the crap! Tell me were she is!" he slammed his hands into Pain's desk.
Pain sat back in his hair "What do you mean" a smirk appeared on his face for a moment.
Deidara stared at Pain "She told me what's been happening!" Deidara shouted.I
Itachi looked at Pain, "Doing what?" his voice lowered.
"He's been having sex with Shizuka!!!" Deidara knocked everything of Pains desk.
Pain chuckled "You'll never know how sweet she tasted"
Mangekyō Sharingan, He held Pain up against the wall.
"what the hell have you done to here!?" Itachi squeezed Pain's neck.
The other Pain's appeared. 
Deidara took a stance but was immediately held down by them.
"Let us have a one on one" Pain chuckled.
Itachi stared at him "Was she still a virgin when you raped her!?" he put pain in a genjutsu.
Pain stood screaming it seem torturing him for what seemed like days to Pain.
"Leave him we have to find Shizuka!" Deidara shouted before being punched.
"He needs to pay!" a moment later he stopped using his Mangekyō Sharingan. "You're lucky I've got my destiny to fulfill..." He turned around and walked out.
The Pain's released Deidara and he fell to the ground.
Itachi used his Mangekyō Sharingan on Pain to get Shizuka's loaction.
She was in the Akatsuki hide out.
Itachi ran without all his power till he reached the burried chamber not from Pain's office. He could hear Shizuka's whimpers from the other side of the door. He kicked the door in.
He heard Shizuka's wince.
